Specialized Pharmacology

Course Code:



8th-semester PH

Specialization Category:


Course Hours:





Specialized Pharmacology is aiming to offer the general principles of drug actions to humans, as well as, the effects of the human organism to drugs.

Present syllabus will also provide to students the basic knowledge related to modern pharmacology methodologies.

In a special section are described the toxic substances (xenobiotics) to witch humans are exposed, as well as the appropriate  measures for public health and environment  protection.

The present course aims to make our students capable of using/prescribing in safe manner all pesticides, rodenticides and disinfectants, according to their professional duties

Upon completion of the course students will be able to:

  • To recognize and evaluate the pharmacokinetic parameters through the main kinetic stages e.g. Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Elimination (ADME)
  • To understand the drug toxicity consequences
  • To select and prescribe the proper pesticides, rodenticides and disinfectants for a safe use.



  • Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information
  • Decision making and selection of proper pesticides, rodenticides and disinfectants
  • Autonomous as well as group work
  • Planning and management
  • Respect to natural environment.



  • Introduction to pharmacodymamics, pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics
  • Dosage forms, prescription, routes of administration-dosology, therapeutic index
  • Basic pharmacokinetic parameters: bioavailability, bioequivalence, volume of distribution, half-life, clearance
  • Pharmacokinetic methodology (ADME)
  • Drug absorption and distribution
  • Drug metabolism and elimination
  • Drug interactions and microbial resistance to antibiotics
  • Toxicology: Principles and methodology
  • Toxic environmental substances: ethanol, narcotic drugs, medicines
  • Metals, gases and pollutants in general.
  • Insecticides, pesticides, rodenticides, disinfectants
  • Risk management, measures and antidotes



Evaluation in Greek language

During the course we highlighted to the students all the basic and specialized subjects that are expected to know and there are available relevant questions and exercises on which there are evaluated.

The assessment of students is made productively during the semester and briefly at the end. Detailed at the beginning of the semester there is assigned a task, narrow range with specific characteristics, which the student presents before his fellow students. They also prepare group exercises.After the lectures tool of course is the simulation and exercises on paper, position control and field exercises. Finally, the final exam at the end of the semester as planned by the Department. The degree of written and individual evaluations (presence, exercises, work) form the final mark.



  • Bertram K. Βασική και κλινική φαρμακολογία. Εκδότης BROKEN HILL PUBLISHERS LTD, 2009
  • Lullmann H., Mohr K., Ziegler A., Bieger D. Εγχειρίδιο Φαρμακολογίας. Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις Λίτσας, Αθήνα, 2005
  • Neal M.J. Ιατρική Φαρμακολογία με μια ματιά. Εκδόσεις, Παρισιάνος, 2008
  • Reichl F-X. Γενική Τοξικολογία. Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις Πασχαλίδης, 2004
  • Τσόχας Κ., Χατζηχρήστου Ε. Κλινική Φαρμακολογία. Εκδότης Δ. Α. Σιώτης & ΣΙΑ ΕΕ, 2012
  • Τσούκαλη-Παπαδοπούλου Ε. Επιλεγμένα Σύγχρονα Θέματα Τοξικολογίας. Εκδόσεις Παρισιάνος, 2008