
Course Code:




Specialization Category:


Course Hours:




Course Tutors

Andri Elisavet



The course is the basic introductory course in the concepts and fundamental principles of the science of anatomy of the human body and is fundamental to the understanding of human physiology and pathology.

The course material aims to introduce students to the basic concepts of cell and tissue structure, morphology, topography and function of organs and individual systems of the human body. Also, it provides knowledge and skills to the student to recognize, distinguish and describe the position and form of basic anatomical structures, organs and systems of the human being and to proceed with the detection and assessment of these anatomical areas.

In addition, students become familiar with research, identification and description of organs and individual systems of the human body and develop clinical anatomy skills.

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

to know the basic and critical features of the anatomy of the human body and the physiological functions of the organism
describe, identify and highlight the corresponding anatomical regions with their underlying organs and structural components



Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information, using the necessary technologies
Autonomous work
Work in an interdisciplinary environment
Promotion of mental thinking, creative and inductive


Theoretical part of the course

Basic knowledge of embryology (formation, development of organs and main systems)
Basic knowledge of histology (fine texture of organs and systems)
Muscle system
Nervous system
Viscera (respiratory, circulatory, digestive, urinary, genital and sensory organs)
Endocrine glands
Laboratory part of the course

With the use of proplasm and slides with images of organs and higher systems, students are trained in the anatomy of the human body. At the same time, the use of an anatomical atlas is necessary for the study and understanding of the anatomy course by the students.



Written/Oral final exam (100%) including:

Multiple choice questions
Short development questions



  • Moore, K.L. 2012. Κλινική Ανατομία. 2η έκδοση, BrokenHillPubl. Ltd
  • Καμμάς, Α. 2006. Μαθήματα Ανατομικής. Εκδόσεις Βήτα, Αθήνα.
  • Jacob, S. 2009. Ανατομική του ανθρώπου. Επιστημονικές Εκδόσεις Παρισιάνου
  • Hansen, J.T. & Lambert D.R. 2011. Netter’s Ανατομία Ι: Βασική Κλινική Ανατομία. Broken Hill Publ. Ltd
  • Snell, R. 2009. Κλινική Ανατομική. Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις Λίτσας, Αθήνα
  • Faiz, R. & Moffat D. 2006. Anatomy at a Glance. 1st edition, Παρισιάνος Α.Ε. Αθήνα
  • Putz, R. & Pabst. Sobotta, R. 2006. Atlas of Humana Anatomy, 2 Volume Set. 14th edition, Urban & Fisher
  • Rohen, J.W. et al. 2006. Έγχρωμος Άτλας ανατομικής του ανθρώπου. Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις Π.Χ. Πασχαλίδης, Αθήνα



  • Sobotta Ανατομία με Έγχρωμο Άτλαντα, Waschke Jens, Bockers M. Tobias, Paulsen Friedrich Λεπτομέρειες
  •  Netter’s Κλινική Ανατομία και Νευροανατομία 3η έκδοση, Hansen John, Rubin Michael, Safdieh Joseph Λεπτομέρειες
  •  Εγχειρίδιο Περιγραφικής Ανατομικής 4η έκδοση, Platzer Werner, Fritsch Helga, Kuhnel Wolfgang, Kahle Werner, Frotscher Michael Λεπτομέρειες
  • Ανατομία, Marieb, Wilhelm, Mallatt Λεπτομέρειες