Through the prism of communication approach, the critical interdependence of human health and well-being is explored and analyzed in relation to the environmental quality. Course structure combines a general ecological concern with specific elements related to personal and community health. The interdependence of the environment with health encourages students to realize how today’s environmental issues determine the quality of our everyday lives. This course presents the framework for a strategic approach aimed at effective communication on the defense and promotion of environmental health. The trainees are promoted in the application of the theory in real-time conditions following the basic principles of communication, set by the World Health Organization.
The course focuses on all categories that appear in the broad community:
– People making decisions regarding the health care of their family (preventive examinations at a healthcare provider, daily healthy living, preventive methods of avoiding infectious diseases during travel, etc.)
– Healthcare providers making decisions about screening, diagnosis, treatment, recommendations to patients (recommended vaccinations, vulnerable group counseling, etc.)
– Policy makers at national and international level (investment in the training of public health experts, establishment of emergency centers, financing of health promotion programs, etc.)
– Municipalities and communities taking decisions regarding public areas and related activities and services (cleaning public spaces, creation of specially designed promenades and exercise areas within residential areas, etc.)
– International organizations and stakeholders taking decisions on the financing and implementation of health programs (assistance to countries with inadequate health systems through strengthening funding programs to reduce chronic diseases, support for health promotion research programs, etc.)
– Health professionals making decisions on programs, coordination, resources and partnerships at national and international level.
The framework is organized in accordance to the six WHO principles of ensuring a proper communication approach, where they should be at the heart of the respective activities:
- Accessible to decision-makers,
- Actionable by decision-makers,
- Credible and trusted as perceived by decision-makers,
- Relevant to decision-makers,
- Timely to enable decision-making,
- Understandable to decision-makers.
The purpose of the strategic framework is for decision-makers on environmental health issues and the corresponding public to whom they are addressed, to be trained and adapted in parallel. For this reason, the ability of citizens – more specifically the public, to influence the public structure through their actions, is stressed throughout the course. The main purpose of the course is to provide learners with specific information and critical assessment skills on environmental problems. These skills will enable them to participate in decision-making processes, thus defining the quality of health and the environment in the coming decades.
With the successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Understand that communication is part of the ecological model of public health
- Identify the basics of each key strategy based on best practices
- Recognize the challenges and opportunities associated with the adoption and use of technology for health and environment defense
- Evaluate the sources of information
- Understand the factors that influence how the audience processes and understands information
- Recognize the 4 questions that the general public usually ask about a scientific study or report such as: What did you find (description)? Why did this happen (explanation)? What does it mean (interpretation)?, What should be done about it (action)?
- Illustrate how social determinants, relate with environment and health of different population groups
- Understand the importance of policy as an impact on the environment and health
- Specify the role of the message and how it is transmitted through the most appropriate communication practice
- Understand barriers and challenges during communication with policy makers
- Describe and develop key defense strategies
- Understand the influence of the media on public awareness and also their role in shaping health and environmental policies
- Create and implement an effective communication strategy to defend health and environmental issues
- Evaluate communication programs between citizens, administration and experts.
- Decision-making
- Autonomous work
- Teamwork
- Working in an interdisciplinary environment
- Adapt to new situations
- Respect for the natural environment
- Presentation skills
- Introduction to communication and information technology for public health
- A communication planning framework for public health – the eco-model
- What is it that we need to communicate about?
- Strategic communication policy
- Health literacy – speaking to the public
- Assessment Tools of Literacy for Health in Research and Practice
- Format messages as a convincing communication technique
- Schematic research on strategy development – Behavior framework
- The strategic communication plan for the environment and health
- Mass Media – understanding their influence on public awareness for health and environmental issues
- Creation and Implementation of a Communication Strategy – features of effective communication on environment and health
- Evaluation of communication programs for environment and health
Case studies, presentation, participation in lectures.
The course invests in interaction during lectures – assignments, group work, and discussions.
- Case studies (20 points),
- Presentation (20 points),
- Participation (10 points)
- Total: 50 points
Main Textbook:
Tsampoukou-Skanavi K., (2004), Environment and Society: A Relationship in Continuous Evolution, Kaleidoscope, ATHENS
- Parvanta, D. E. Nelson, S. A. Parvanta & R. N. Harner, (2011), Essentials of Public Health Communication, Series Editor: Richard Riegelman, Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC
- WHO Strategic Communications Framework for effective communications, 2017, World Health Organization, Department of Communications, Switzerland
- Περιβάλλον και επικοινωνία, Κ. Τσαμπούκου-Σκαναβή Λεπτομέρειες
- Risk Communication [electronic resource], Lundgren Λεπτομέρειες
- The Handbook of Global Health Communication [electronic resource], Obregon Λεπτομέρειες