The course aims at students to acquire the basic concepts, the necessary theoretical principles and the practical applications of Social Entrepreneurship and social economy, through the creation of sustainable social products. Also to become familiar with the modern social and economic reality of business, social creativity and innovation. The subject matter of the course aims for students to understand social enterprise actions aimed at promoting health, quality of life and decent living of the population, the development of human capital, the reduction of social exclusion of vulnerable – special populations and populations . inequalities, creating conditions for local societies with high indicators of social cohesion and sustainable development.
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Understand the actions of social society to improve health and fight health inequalities, to develop the community, to improve access and efficiency of health services provided
- Understand the collective purpose as the promotion of collective actions and the protection of collective assets, through development, economic and social initiatives of a local, regional or wider nature.
- Understand integration as a process of social integration of people belonging to the vulnerable groups of the population, mainly through their promotion in employment
- It knows about the vulnerable groups of the population, the people who participate in social and economic life is made difficult, either because of social and economic problems, or because of a physical or mental or mental or sensory disability, or because of objective facts.
- It understands Social Care as the production and provision of goods, as well as health and welfare services for specific groups of the population, such as the elderly, infants, children, the disabled and those with chronic conditions
- He knows the tools and techniques for learning new skills, with the aim of developing human capital in the context of our country’s health services.
- Provides counseling, health education and health care successfully, in social entrepreneurship actions aimed at promoting health, quality of life and decent living of the population
- Familiarize yourself with the modern social and economic reality of business and develop corresponding creativity, communication and innovation skills
- It solves various social problems, regardless of profit, with the primary purpose of producing social value and responding on society’s terms to a social problem, respecting the value of society and each human unit, within the framework of the rights of social rights.
- He has an active participation and role in the creation and operation of sustainable social and cooperative enterprises, as a health professional.
- Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information, using the necessary technologies
- Adaptation to new situations
- Download
- Autonomous work
- Teamwork
- Work in an interdisciplinary environment
- Project planning and management
- Respect for diversity and multiculturalism
- Respect for the natural environment
- Demonstrating social, professional and ethical responsibility and sensitivity to gender issues
- Social Economy and Social Entrepreneurship
- Social enterprise
- The social economy in Greece and in Europe
- Social Cooperative Enterprise (S.E.P.)
- Establishment of the Social Cooperative Enterprise
- Relations between members and the Social Cooperative Enterprise
- Financial incentives and support measures for Social Cooperative Enterprises
- Collaborative Networks, Possibility of Partnerships
- General Register of Social Economy
- Coordinating body for development policies of the Social Economy
- Organization and operation of development partnerships for Operational actions
- “Human Resource Development” Program
- Vulnerable groups of the population. Vulnerable Population Groups, Special Population Groups
- Social Exclusion
- Unemployment
- Social Cooperative Inclusion Enterprise
- Social Cooperative Social Care Enterprise
- Social Cooperative Enterprise of Collective and Productive Purpose.
Written final exam (100%) including:
Multiple choice questions
Development questions
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