The aim of the course is to gain knowledge about current trends in the theory and research of various aspects of mental health, studying various aspects of the main phenomena, with the goal of promoting mental health. Students will also acquire knowledge, skills in the prevention and promotion of mental health. The course ensures that students become familiar with the mental health care delivery structures and with the understanding, learning, acquisition of practical knowledge and skills in the context of mental health promotion by providing those services to meet the huge and demanding needs of the community, providing high quality care at all levels of community mental health prevention and promotion.
Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:
- Understand the key features of providing mental health services – be aware of the tools and techniques for providing quality mental health care services to the person with mental illness but also to the healthy population in the community.
- use methodologies to assess mental health needs in the community.
- prioritize and plan appropriate mental health promotion interventions in the community.
- operate individually and/or in collaboration with other health professionals in the provision of mental health care services in the community.
- provide counseling, health education and mental health care to the community by making home visits and providing services to primary health care facilities.
- designs, implements, and evaluates comprehensive mental health promotion programs in the community.
- participate in the planning and implementation of preventive interventions and rehabilitation of mental disorders as well as early detection of problems and difficulties of individuals and their families.
- contribute to rehabilitation interventions & in the improvement of the difficulties faced by the individuals, with counseling, psychoeducation of parents, with the ultimate goal of prevention, evaluation, intervention and research.
- carry out preventive actions to address poor mental health, with the aim of improving the quality of life of people with poor mental health through social inclusion and the protection of their rights and dignity.
- understand parameters and processes of resilience by recognizing the protective factors, risk factors, creating frameworks of mental resilience.
- understand the function of protective factors in reducing risk factors.
- design, implement and evaluate intervention programs to promote population resilience.
- recognize high-risk individuals who need support to reduce their risk of developing mental disorder.
- recognize the need for family empowerment, seeking help and strengthening co-operation in mental health services.
- act as a liaison between health services and other structures
- participate in actions to combat stigma.
- Search, analyze and synthesize data and information, using necessary technologies
- Adaptation to new situations
- Decision making
- Individual work
- Teamwork
- Work in an interdisciplinary environment
- New research projects
- Project design and management
- Respect cultural diversity
- Social, professional and moral responsibility and gender sensitivity
- Criticism and self-criticism
- Mental health
- Psychosocial, emotional and bio-somatic elements
- Prevention and disorder rehabilitation
- Normality
- Psychopathological behavior – Disorder
- Chronic illness and physical disability
- Functional disorders
- Psychosomatic diseases
- Issues of prevention and promotion of mental health
- Assessment of mental health needs in the community
- Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention applications in the community
- Factors affecting mental health
- Divorce as a crisis in the family
- Intervention in the chronic phase
- Early diagnosis of mental health problems and difficulties
- Frameworks of mental resilience in individuals
- Mental Health Services
- Rehabilitation interventions
- Individual interview – taking history
- Behavior modification
- Promoting mental health in employees
- Promoting mental health in the elderly
- Prevention of depression
- Suicide prevention
- Drugs
- Vulnerable population groups and mental health promotion
- Liaison
- Psychoeducation of individual and family
- Organizing actions aimed at preventing and promoting mental health
- Promoting mental health and tackling poor mental health through preventive actions
- Promoting the social inclusion of people with poor mental health or disability and protection of their fundamental rights and dignity
- Community education
- Visit & participation in activities of external structures (hostels, day centers, KOISPE)
- Visit & participation in the activities of the mental health center
- Home visit to persons with mental illness
- Health care for persons with mental illness
- Rights and advocacy of people with mental illness
- Stigma and actions to combat stigma
- Writing Final Examination (100%) which includes:
- Full Reply Test Questions
- Quick Reply Test Questions
- Problem Solving
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