Public Hygine

Course Code:



4th-semester PC

Specialization Category:


Course Hours:



Course Tutors

Vassalou Evdokia



After completing the course, the students are able to:

  • analyze the factors that affect the health of citizens
  • draw up detailed and accurate reports on the criteria that should govern Public Hygiene, and have a very serious impact on the health of large sections of the population or professional or social groups
  • participate in Public Health Programmes and contribute to the elimination of pathogenic adverse environmental factors and to the elimination of social inequalities in the provision of Primary Health Care
  • acquire the necessary knowledge to enable them to identify and assess the needs of individuals in Health services and are under specific unhealthy living conditions and to take appropriate action by writing reports and directives.



The aim of the course is to give an insight into the skills and knowledge acquired by the Student. The Student acquires skills and ability to search, analyze and compose data and information concerning the population or population groups using the necessary information and technologies related to Public Hygiene, making him able to:

  • adapts to new situations created in Public Hygiene by the evolution of science, the evolution of society by the emerging socio-economic policies, population movements and climate change
  • take quick and workable decisions to address public health issues by acting independently and interdisciplinary.
  • participates in Scientific Working Groups to address unhealthy outbreaks and sources
  • participates in Interdisciplinary Environment Work on Public Hygiene
  • recommends legislative changes to amend older ones to address immediate and ultimate public health problems
  • plans, organizes and manages projects related to Public Health
  • contribute substantially to shaping a climate that protects diversity, multiculturalism and the elimination of selective treatment of the population
  • respects the natural environment and controls the technology related to Public Health
  • demonstrates social solidarity, professional and moral responsibility and sensitivity to gender and diversity issues in the coexistence of different population groups making them capable of peaceful professional and family cohabitation
  • exercises criticism and self-criticism in the way hygiene services operate
  • promotes independent-free, creative and inductive thinking in tackling Public Hygiene problems.



  • Public Hygiene in Greece in the 19th and the 20th century and prospects for the Third Millennium. The Modern Concept of Public Hygiene and Public Health.
  • Sources of information on Hygiene and Health Evaluation.
  • Health of the Greek and European population, Global Organisation and operation of Public Health Services in Greece within the European Union at the level of Central and Regional Administration. Health Services Project
  • Protective, Preventive and Reconstructive Institutions. Legislative measures for the protection of Maternity, Child, Third Age, Mental Illness. Genetic Hygiene.
  • International Health Organisations (Legal Framework) / Council of Europe.
  • World Health Organisation (WHO). Legal framework, Structure, Objectives, Health Policy, Programmes.
  • European Union and Public Health. European Parliament, Commission, Maastricht Health Treaty, health-related activities. New Public Health in the European Union.
  • Disease Prevention-Health Promotion-Strategies. Prevention levels – application fields. Primary Health Care. The concept of health promotion. Methodology, manners, places of health education, characteristics. Institutions dealing with health education in Greece.
  • Secondary prevention, Screening, basic principles, fields of application, implementation problems, evaluation problems.
  • Legislative measures for the prevention of Infectious Diseases
  • Principles of Prevention, Isolation, Vaccinations, Disease Declaration, International Health Regulations (IHR)
  • Legislative measures for the prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCD). Definition of NCDs (cardiovascular, cancers, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, smoking, etc.) international prevention programs.
  • International Classification of Diseases (ICD).
  • Diseases falling under the IHR. Diseases under international supervision. Ways of declaring infectious diseases (declaration classes).
  • Third Age: Demographic data, health needs of elderly people, health promotion programs, organization and structures of corresponding services in Greece.
  • Mental Health: Organization, infrastructure of Public Health Services related to mental health, psychiatric reform – deinstitutionalization, European Programs – Perspectives.
  • Legislative measures (Health Regulations) for Drinking Water, Soil, Sewerage, Waste Collection, Air Ionizing Radiation, Weather and Climate, Transport Hygiene, Tourist and Travel Hygiene, Hygiene of Spa Towns, Hygiene of Cities and Villages, Hygiene of Summer Camps, Hygiene of Children’s Camps, Sports Hygiene, Prison Hygiene and Hygiene of the Army.



The evaluation language is Greek.

During the course students are pointed out the basic and specialized subjects of the course that they should know. In particular, at the beginning of the semester, a small-scale project with special characteristics is assigned which the student presents to his/her fellow students. They also do group exercises. Finally, the final written examination at the end of the semester as planned by the Department. The final written examination and the individual assessments (presence, exercises, work) shape the final grade of the course.




Greek bibliography

  1. Zavitsanos, Th. 1980. Public and Social Hygiene, Volume One General Part
  2. Edelman , et al et al (Editing by F. Babatsikos, E. Polychronopoulos, H.Koutis). 2009. Promotion of Health throughout the Range of Life. Ed.  Parisian
  3. Aschengru, 2012. Epidemiology (edited by A. Hatzakis).  Paschalidis Publications
  4. Hogan, D,E  &  Burstein,   L. (Editing by H.Koutis and co.) 2010. Disaster Medicine Medical Publications P. H. Paschalidis
  5. Koutis, H. 2003. Health Legislation. GREEK Publications
  6. Alevizatos, G.P. 1950. Memorandum of Hygiene
  7. Kyriazidis, K. 1935. Hygiene Research Methods
  8. Vasiliadis, P. 1971. Microbiological and Hygiene Surveys on Sea Water in Greece
  9. Gardiner, &  Harrington,  J. M. (Editing by F. Babatsikos, H.Koutis).  2009. Occupational Hygiene. University Publications of Paris
  10. Farmer, (Editing by F. Babatsikos, H.Koutis). 2010.  Lecture Notes Epidemiology  & Public Health Medicine. University Publications of Paris
  11. Coni, N., Nichill, C., Webster, S., Wilson, K.S. 2006. Geriatrics.
  12. Konstantinidis, T.K., Christakis, P., Tsara, B., Kapetangiorgis, A., Katsougiannopoulos, B.C. 2000. Epidemiological and clinical characters of tuberculosis in immigrants in Northern Greece in the period 1988-97. Winds, 13(1): 73
  13. Tuntas, G. & Frisiras, S. 1996. Social inequalities in health. Medicine, 69:270-276
  14. Solomos, G.H. 1996, Primary Health Care and General Medicine in Greece. In Kyriopoulos G., Filalith T. Primary Health Care. Ed. Foundation
  15. P4b/oik. 3176/1996 “Conditions for the establishment and operation of MFI by private individuals” GG 455/B/1996
  16. Bradley, (edited by H.Koutis).  2011. General Medical Publications of Paris
  17. Wacquant, (M. K. Diamantakou). 2001. Prisons of misery. Pataki Publications.  Athens, Greece
  18. Trichopoulos, D., Kalapothaki, V., Petridou, E. 2000. Preventive Medicine & Public Health. Ed. Zeta, Athens
  19. Amitsis G. 2001. Principles of organisation and operation of the Social Welfare system. Ed. Papazisi
  20. Angelides, A. 2013. Heating houses. OE/TKM Issue 462, May 2013

Foreign language bibliography

  1. 2010.Meeting report of International Workshop on Housing, Health and Climate Change: Developing guidance for health protection in the built environment mitigation and adaptation responses. Geneva
  2. The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Promote Healthy Homes. Available in: http://www.surgeongeneral
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Healthy Homes. Available in:
  5. Haider, S.I., Johnell, K., Thorslund, M., Fastbom, J. 2007. Analysis of the association between polypharmacy and socioeconomic position among elderly aged >/=77 years in Sweden”. Clin Ther 32 (2): 419-27
  6. Dick, D.M. & Bierut, L.J. 2006. The genetics of alcohol dependence. Current psychiatry reports 8 (2): 151-7
  7. Nikolopoulos, G., Arvanitis, M., Masgala, A., Paraskeva D. 2005. Migration and HIV epidemic in Greece. European Journal of Public Health, 15(3):296-299
  8. Krieger, J. & Higgins, D. 2002. Housing and Health: Time Again for Public Health Action. American Journal of Public Health May;92 (5)