Advanced Epidemiology

Course Code:



4th-semester PC

Specialization Category:


Course Hours:




Course Tutors

Barbouni Anastasia



Students acquire the skills in the design and execution of epidemiological research.

They acquire the ability to deal in their professional life with diseases and epidemics of infectious and non-infectious diseases as well as new epidemics and pandemics.

During the theoretical and laboratory part of the course, they are practiced in the whole spectrum of an evolving epidemiological event with real and virtual conditions. This enables them to develop knowledge, skills and to be able to meet the needs of modern Epidemiology and the newly developed Demopathology aimed at disease control.



The aim of the course is to give an insight into the skills and knowledge acquired by the Student.

The student searches, analyzes and synthesizes data and information, using (when available) programs and materials such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook V2010, Internet, Consumables, and SPSS, to present infectious and non-infectious diseases, in laboratory exercises and in tasks.

Adaptation to new situations. When materials are not available, the training is done by simulation giving the student the opportunity to meet the requirements of the course and the professional needs.

Decision-making. The student becomes able to take decisions:

  • for autonomous work in the investigation of epidemics following a medical report
  • for teamwork with other scientists in the disease control of modern demopathology
  • for work in an interdisciplinary environment aiming at mutual information and control
  • for production of new research ideas and principles governing modern Demopathology
  • with respect for the diversity and multiculturalism of the population affected by the disease
  • with respect to the natural environment and control of the technological concerning the natural history of the disease, the Etiopathogenesis, the mechanism of spread and the strategy of control and eradication of the disease
  • demonstrating social, professional and moral responsibility and sensitivity to issues of age, gender. color, religion and educational level
  • for criticism and self-criticism
  • to promote free, creative and inductive thinking



The aim of the course is to give an insight into the skills and knowledge acquired by the Student.

The student searches, analyzes and synthesizes data and information, using (when available) programs and materials such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook V2010, Internet, Consumables, and SPSS, to present infectious and non-infectious diseases, in laboratory exercises and in tasks.

Adaptation to new situations. When materials are not available, the training is done by simulation giving the student the opportunity to meet the requirements of the course and the professional needs.

Decision-making. The student becomes able to take decisions:

  • for autonomous work in the investigation of epidemics following a medical report
  • for teamwork with other scientists in the disease control of modern demopathology
  • for work in an interdisciplinary environment aiming at mutual information and control
  • for production of new research ideas and principles governing modern Demopathology
  • with respect for the diversity and multiculturalism of the population affected by the disease
  • with respect to the natural environment and control of the technological concerning the natural history of the disease, the Etiopathogenesis, the mechanism of spread and the strategy of control and eradication of the disease
  • demonstrating social, professional, and moral responsibility and sensitivity to issues of age, gender. color, religion, and educational level
  • for criticism and self-criticism
  • to promote free, creative, and inductive thinking
  • Epidemiology of Diabetes and Obesity
  • Epidemiology of psychotropic substances.
  • Epidemiology of occupational accidents. Genetic Epidemiology
  • Epidemiology of nutrition of plant protection substances and phytohormones
  • Epidemiology Poisonings (microbial, viral, chemical)
  • Characteristics of epidemiological surveillance, Epidemiological surveillance
  • Surveillance of Infectious Diseases regular, laboratory, sentinel
  • Data synthesis and analysis, information flow, evaluation of surveillance systems.

Laboratoty Part of the Course

Students conduct laboratory exercises with biologically contaminated materials and individual epidemiological patient bulletins (in groups of 5 individuals) to discover a causative agent in order to get to know the dispersal mechanisms involved in the outbreak of the Epidemic, the strategies and methodology to be used to control the biological social and economic factors that contributed to the onset of the disease and its progression to endemic, epidemic, or pandemic.



The evaluation language is Greek.

During the course, students are pointed out the basic and specialized subjects of the course RECOMENDED they should know. In particular, at the beginning of the semester, a small-scale project with special characteristics is assigned which the student presents to his/her fellow students. They also do group exercises. After the lectures the pillar of the theoretical part of the course is the simulation and the exercises on paper, position of control and field exercises Finally, the final written examination at the end of the semester as planned by the Department. The final written examination and the individual assessments (presence, exercises, assignment, laboratory) shape the final grade of the course.

Because the course is mixed, the evaluation is done with all the above and the weekly exercises in the Laboratory that the students prepare with the instructions of the collaborators. The final grade of the course is shaped by the average (M.V.) of the theoretical and laboratory part. It is noted that the grades of the theoretical part to be calculated must be at least five (5), otherwise the student owes that part of the course in which he/she did not achieve a passable grade.



Greek bibliography

  1. Koutis, H. 2009. Teaching Notes “Special Epidemiology”
  2. Trichopoulos, D., Kalapothaki, V., Petridou, E. 2000. Preventive Medicine & Public Health. Ed. Zeta, Athens
  3. Koutis, H. Hepatitis B & Primary Liver Cancer. 1998. GREEK Publications
  4. Farmer, (Editing by F. Babatsikos, H.Koutis). 2010.  Lecture Notes Epidemiology  & Public Health Medicine. University Publications of Paris
  5. Sparos, L. 2001. Theory of clinical decision-making. BETA Publications
  6. Gardiner, K. & Harrington, J.M. (Editing by F. Babatsikos, H.Koutis). 2009. Occupational Hygiene. University Publications of Paris
  7. Hogan, D,E  &  Burstein,   L. (Editing by H.Koutis and co.) 2010. Disaster Medicine Medical Publications P. H. Paschalidis
  8. Koutis, H. 2003. Health Legislation. GREEK Publications
  9. Service, (Editing by Koutis, H. ) 2014. Medical Entomology for Students. University Publications of Paris
  10. Edelman , et al  (Editing by Babatsikos, F., Polychronopoulos, E., Koutis, H.). 2009. Promotion of Health throughout the Range of Life. Ed.  Parisian

Foreign language bibliography

  1. Beckman, L.F. & Kawachi, I. 2000. Social Epidemiology
  2. Bannister, ΒB., Gillespier, S., Jones, J. 2008. Infectious diseases.
  3. Brownson, R.C., Pettiti, D.B. 1998. Applied Epidemiology: Theory to Practice
  4. Acha, P. & Szyfres, B. 2003. Zoonoses and communicable diseases common to man and animals. Volumes I, II and III. Third edition. Pan American Health Organization
  5. Ariza, J. 1999. Brucellosis: an update. The perspective from the Mediterranean basin. Rev Med Microbiol, 10:125-135.
  6. Beran, G. & Steele, J. 1994. Handbook of Zoonoses, Sections A and B, second edition, CRC Press, London, U.K.
  7. Breitschwerdt, E. B. 2008. Feline bartonellosis and cat scratch disease. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 123:167-171
  8. Chavasse, D. & Yap, H. 1997. Chemical methods for the control of vectors and pests of Public Health importance. Division of Control of Tropical diseases, W.H.O.
  9. Gould, E. & Higgs, S. 2008. Impact of climate change and other factors on emerging arbovirus diseases. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, doi:10.1016/j.trstmh.2008.07.025
  10. Hubalek, Z. 2004. An annotated checklist of pathogenic microorganisms associated with migratory birds. Journal of wildlife diseases, 40(4):639-659
  11. Kallio-Kokko, H., Uzcategui, N., Vapalathi, O., Vaheri, A. 2005. Viral zoonoses in Europe. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 29:1051-1077



  • Κλινική Επιδημιολογία: Βασικές Αρχές, R. Fletcher, S. Fletcher, G. Fletcher Λεπτομέρειες
  •  Σύγχρονη Επιδημιολογία, Timothy L. Lash, Tyler J.VanderWeele, Sebastien Haneuse, Kenneth J. Rothman Λεπτομέρειες