Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology
Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology
Welcome to the website of the Laboratory of Hygiene & Epidemiology
The Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Department of Public and Community Health, headed by Professor Areti Lagiou, serves the scientific field of Epidemiology, the prevention of chronic and infectious diseases, the Design, Implementation and Evaluation of integrated health prevention and health promotion programs, as well as health care services.
It aims to develop new research and educational methodologies and applications in the field of public and community health.
It is actively involved in the education, training, continuing education and training of other professionals and the general public on prevention and health promotion issues. Through its web pages, you can find information on the research and educational work of the laboratory and its Special Academic Units.
Legislation (in Greek)
The Laboratory of Hygiene & Epidemiology of the Department of Public and Community Health of the University of Attica serves the modern educational and research needs in the following fields
The main mission of the Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology is to cover the teaching needs of the undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum of the Department, while it supports the preparation of doctoral theses.
The laboratory also participates in the teaching and has scientific responsibility for Epidemiology, Public and Community Health modules of other institutions such as:
MSc in “Epidemiology – Research Methodology in Biomedical Sciences, Clinical Practice and Public Health” of the Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the School of Medicine of the University of Athens – Scientific Responsibility of the Public and Community Health Unit
137 hours / 8 Units / 5 ECTS / Training Certificate / *Life lessons
Scientific Responsible: Konstantina Skanavi Professor, President of the Department of Public and Community Health, Director of the Department of Environmental Health
450 hours / 9 Modules / 22,5 ECVET / Training Certificate / *Synchronous and Asynchronous eLearning
Scientific Responsible: Konstantina Skanavi Professor, President of the Department of Public and Community Health, Director of the Department of Environmental Health
The Laboratory of Hygiene & Epidemiology wishes to collaborate with other academic and research institutions in Greece or abroad, as well as with
official international or Greek organizations, for educational, research and social purposes, related to the scientific subjects of the Laboratory
Within the framework of the Research Laboratory’s activities, a number of research projects and programmes on health promotion and health assessment are underway. The research team of the laboratory also participates in European and national activities, either independently or in collaboration with universities and scientific institutions in Greece and abroad. Indicatively:
Scientific responsibility for the active participation of the Laboratory in research projects: Areti Lagiou, Professor
The beHEALTHIER project “Creating Health Policies from Collective Knowledge Data” is part of Intervention II of the action “RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE” B’ cycle “COMPETITIVENESS, BUSINESS & INNOVATION” (EPANEK). The project is a consortium of five partner organisations with previous experience in national and European research projects and combines multidisciplinary competences in the fields of ICT and health. The aim of the project is to create a secure, electronic platform for all stakeholders in the health ecosystem concerned, as well as those responsible for creating and evaluating health policies, which will combine and apply big data, knowledge mining and machine learning technologies in all phases of the data life cycle.
The Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Department of Public and Community Health of the University of West Attica participates as a Collaborating Stakeholder ( in the Joint European Action “EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS joint action” (Grant Agreement Number: 801493). The Action concerns preparedness and readiness to address transnational public health risks at entry gates including ports, airports and land crossings and is funded by the Third Health Programme (2014-2020) of the European Union. It started in May 2018 and has a duration of 36 months. The action involves 37 competent authorities from 29 EU Member States, Taiwan, as well as the World Health Organization, the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC), the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and other international organisations. The objective of the Joint Action is to support cooperation and coordination between Member States in order to improve structures at ports of entry (ports, airports, land crossings), prevention and response to cross-border health threats affecting or originating from the transport sector, thus contributing to a high level of public health protection in the European Union.
The Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Department of Public and Community Health of the University of West Attica participates specifically in the activities of the Joint Action related to the following topics:
It also participates in training activities for staff of health institutions on the management of public health incidents at entry gates.
The Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Department of Public and Community Health, School of Public Health, University of West Attica, as a collaborating institution of the European Joint Action “EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS” participates in the working group for the preparation of the following guidelines:
The European Joint Action “EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS” was commissioned by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) to prepare the guidelines, following the emergence of pneumonia cases from a new strain of Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Wuhan city, Hubei province, China. The EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS Action working group continues to work on gathering new data on the outbreak and will issue updated guidance if necessary.
Ms. Areti Lagiou, Professor of Epidemiology, is the designated responsible person of the University of West Attica in the EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS joint action. She is actively involved in the implementation of the actions, but also coordinates the participation of Uniwersity of West Attica in the joint action.
Scientific responsibility for the active participation of the Laboratory in Erasmus+ programmes:Evanthia Sakellari, Associate Professor
STRENCO Strengthening multi-professional competencies in mental health in an international context, through co-production with academics, students, service users and professionals
The aim of the project is to strengthen the capacity/skills of the interdisciplinary team in mental health through a collaborative/participatory approach to co-produce mental health promotion services. It involves academics, students, service users and health professionals in equal roles. The ultimate aim is to provide open access teaching materials to provide knowledge and develop interdisciplinary skills in the context of mental health at an international level. We are in the second year of the project. You can follow the progress and keep up to date with the results of the project on the website and on the Facebook page.
Under Erasmus+, Partnership Strategies
EDUVAC Educating Vaccination Competence
The aim of the project is to develop knowledge and skills for vaccination in different population groups. Emphasis will be placed on developing counselling skills to address the anti-vaccination movement. The project will develop educational material using new technologies for an online course (3 ECTS) and a face-to-face intensive programme (2 ECTS). You can follow the progress of the project and be informed about its results on the website and on the facebook page.
Under Erasmus+, Partnership Strategies
EDDIS A Digital Program for Sexual Education in Secondary Schools
The aim of the project is to assess the needs of adolescents in the context of sexual health and sexual education. The ultimate aim is to create material using new technologies that will meet the needs of adolescents. This material will be freely accessible for use at both international and national level. The involvement of teenagers themselves in all stages of the project (design, implementation, evaluation) is key to its effectiveness.
Under Erasmus+, Partnership Strategies
Higher education institutions and secondary schools from:
SHEHAP Prevention of Sexual Harassment in Secondary Schools
The project aims to increase the capacity of teachers, school professionals, parents and young people aged 13-16 to recognise and prevent sexual harassment. The results of the project strongly reflect the involvement of young people themselves at all stages of the project, in its design, implementation and evaluation.
Under Erasmus+, Partnership Strategies
Higher education institutions and high schools from:
Well@School Developing multi-professional Higher Education for promoting mental health and well-being at schools
The aim of the project is to develop a new open access platform for higher education that includes materials for mental health promotion in primary schools using digital methods. The project will promote key competences related to mental health promotion as well as the development of digital competences in communication, co-creation, teaching and training of professionals working in schools (teachers, Health Visitors, etc.).
Under Erasmus+, Partnership Strategies
ARTHEWE Multiform Pedagogy in Arts, Health and Wellbeing Education
The ARTHEWE project develops and updates multimodal pedagogy, methods and tools in six international pilot courses/subjects. The project partners represent different education sectors and approaches to arts and health. These differences are being exploited in pilot courses/subjects to find new and innovative ways of methodology in arts and health education, curriculum design and student guidance in different fields. You can follow the progress and find out about the results of the project on the project website and Instagram.
Under Erasmus+, Partnership Strategies
DOMINO Educational mobile application for prevention of Domestic Violence
Under Erasmus+, Partnership Strategies
DIRENE Competences for the new era of user-driven digital rehabilitation
The aim of the project is to contribute to the resilience of rehabilitation systems through capacity building of the academic community and professionals in digital rehabilitation.
Under Erasmus+, Partnership Strategies
“wExchange” is an Erasmus+ project co-funded by the EU. The overall objective of the project is to develop peer/peer learning methods to support mental health literacy and promote mental well-being. All of this will be done jointly with students so that the methods are focused on the young people’s everyday lives.
The individual objectives of the project are:
1) promoting mental health literacy skills of young people (aged 13-16 years)
2) to create peer/peer education activities to promote mental wellbeing of young people
3) developing virtual exchange methods for schools
4) putting into practice the knowledge gained from the project
The project is to provide perspectives on multicultural methods and the needs of mental health literacy through the following activities and outputs:
Peer/peer education methods on mental health
* An informative summary of the evidence-based evidence on promoting mental wellbeing of young people through peer/peer support and peer-to-peer peer education .
* A research-based summary of research-based skills for youth mental health literacy, to form the basis for the development of the whole project.
Development of peer/peer activities
* A training package of peer/peer education methods that can be used in schools to support youth mental health literacy. These methods are developed jointly with students online as part of an international collaboration.
* An evaluation report of the piloting of the methods for students.
* A digital guide to using the virtual exchange methods for teachers. This guide will be translated into 5 different languages (English, Finnish, Portuguese, Greek and Slovenian).
Development of virtual exchange
* A designed and tested virtual exchange framework for students. The background of the framework is shaped based on previous research and experiences in implementing virtual exchanges and distance education.
* Two virtual camps and two workshops designed by school teachers together with their students and experts from universities. During the course of these workshops different methods will be tested to support their work.
The following higher education institutions and secondary schools from five European countries are participating in the project:
Turku University of Applied Sciences & Vasaramäki School (Finland- coordinator)
University of West Atticaς & 9ο Kallithea High School “Manos Hatzidakis” (Greece)
Universidade de Lisboa & Agrupamento de Escolas de Santo Antόnio (Portugal)
University of Novo Mesto & School Centre Novo Mesto (Slovenia)
Klaipėda University & Klaipeda Versme School (Lithuania)
ICEXInnovative and Culturally Sensitive Educational Package for Migrants’ Sexual Health Education
The aim of the project is to promote the sexual health and well-being of migrants/refugees. The project will develop digital health education materials, which will be available online with open access, to increase knowledge and access to sexuality education for migrants/refugees aged 18-55 and professionals working with migrants/refugees at European level.
Under Erasmus+, Partnership Strategies
Αlcohol-related cancers and genetic susceptibility in Europe (ARCAGE)
Cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) include those of the oral cavity, pharynx (other than nasopharynx), larynx, and esophagus. Tobacco smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages are established causes of UADT cancers, whereas reduced intake of vegetables and fruits are likely causes. The role of genetic predisposition and possible interactions of genetic with exogenous factors, however, have not been adequately studied. Moreover, the role of pattern of smoking and drinking, as well as the exact nature of the implicated dietary variables, has not been clarified. To address these issues, the International Agency for Research on Cancer initiated in 2002 the alcohol-related cancers and genetic susceptibility (ARCAGE) in Europe project, with the participation of 15 centers in 11 European countries. Information and biological data from a total of 2304 cases and 2227 controls have been collected and will be used in a series of analyses. A total of 166 single nucleotide polymorphisms of 76 genes are being studied for genetic associations with UADT cancers. We report here the methodology of the ARCAGE project, main demographic and lifestyle characteristics of the cases and controls, as well as the distribution of cases by histology and subsite. About 80% of cases were males and fewer than 20% of all cases occurred before the age of 50 years. Overall, the most common subsite was larynx, followed by oral cavity, oropharynx, esophagus and hypopharynx. Close to 90% of UADT cancers were squamous cell carcinomas. A clear preponderance of smokers and alcohol drinkers among UADT cases compared with controls was observed. The full study design and presentation of the ARCAGE Project has been described in International Journal of Cancer: Abrahao R et al, Int J Cancer. 2018 Jul 1;143(1):32-44. doi: 10.1002/ijc.31294. Epub 2018 Feb 23. PMID:29405297.
Stomach Cancer Pooling Project in Europe (STOP)
The Stomach cancer Pooling (StoP) Project is a consortium of epidemiological studies of gastric cancer. The project started in July 2012, based on a core group of 10 studies. Several investigators joined the project during the last few years, and the consortium now counts over 30 studies from different world areas. The main aim of the StoP Project is to examine the role of several lifestyle and genetic determinants in the aetiology of gastric cancer, through pooled analyses of individual-level data, after central collection and validation of the original datasets. V. 3.0 of the StoP Project harmonized database has been released in year 2019, including 33 studies and a total of 12,753 cases and 30,682 controls. The full study design and presentation of the StoP Project have been described in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention: Pelucchi et al. Eur J Cancer Prev 2015 Jan;24(1):16-23. doi: 10.1097/CEJ.0000000000000017.
Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of a questionnaire to identify the needs of integrated supportive care for people with chronic conditions (SPICTTM), in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh University research team. Postdoctoral researcher: Maria Bouri Paediatrician, MD, MA Med Hum, Dip Pall Med, PhD, Member of the Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology. Project progress: pilot study of the Greek translated questionnaire is in progress.
Special Academic Units and Special Research Groups operate within the Laboratory, which constitute the Scientific Research Groups of the Laboratory:
Special Academic Unit of Environmental Education, Education and Communication
Scientifically responsible: Konstantina Skanavi, Professor
It is active in research, promotion and support of actions to develop environmentally responsible citizens
Special Academic Unit for the Study of Smoking Behaviour
Scientifically responsible: Anastasia Barbouni, Professor
It carries out a systematic study of the smoking habits of the population, the use of tobacco products, the use of e-cigarettes and new heated tobacco products.
Special Academic Unit for Health Promotion
Scientifically responsible: Evanthia Sakellari, Associate Professor
It is active in health promotion research, the development, evaluation and dissemination of health promotion programmes in the community, as well as in supporting the implementation of health promotion activities in the community with the aim of reducing health inequalities.
Special Academic Unit for Child Developmental Health
Scientifically responsible: Anastasia Barbouni, Professor
The Unit is active in epidemiological research, conceptualization and neurobiological understanding of child development. The unit’s research area is the development and evaluation of programmes related to the management of physical and developmental health problems at both the individual-child and community levels.
February 2021
The Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology (Director Prof. Lagiou) of the Department of Public and Community Health of the University of West Attica organizes the Second Webinar entitled: “MANAGEMENT OF VULNERABLE GROUPS”
The Webinar is addressed to the Graduates of the Department. The Webinar will be given a Certificate of Attendance.
Registration is necessary to attend
January 2021
The Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology (Director Prof. Lagiou) of the Department of Public and Community Health of the University of West Attica organizes the First Webinar entitled: “VACCINATIONS: NEW CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES”
The Webinar is addressed to the Graduates of the Department. A Certificate of Attendance will be awarded.
Registration is necessary to attend
The Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology (Director Prof. Lagiou) of the Department of Public and Community Health of the University of West Attica, participates in the organization of the following topical scientific event and invites you to attend it :
May 2020
April 2020
New collaboration between the Hellenic Anti-Rheumatic Society (EL.E.A.NA) and the Department of Community Health of the School of Public and Community Health of the University of West Attica HD020420
March 2020
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The Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology and the Special Academic Units are housed in the building of the School of Public Health, Athens Campus of the University of West Attica at 196 Alexandras Avenue in Ambelokipi (former building of the National School of Public Health).
The Laboratory is accessible via metro, stop Abelokipi as well as via bus and trolleybus lines of OASA:
Health stop: lines 653, 14, 18, 19
Ambelokipoi Square stop: 550, A5, X95, X14, 3, 10,
Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology
Athens University Campus
Tel.: 2132010125
196 Alexandra Avenue, 115-21, Athens, Greece