EDUVAC – Educating Vaccination Competence
As part of Erasmus +, Partnership Strategies
Take part:
University of West Attica (Coordinator)
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
Trnava University (Slovakia)
The University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia (Spain)
The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy)
The aim of the project is to develop knowledge and skills for vaccinations in various population groups. Emphasis will be placed on developing counseling skills to combat the anti-vaccination movement. As part of the project, educational material will be created using new technologies for an online course (3 ECTS) and a live intensive program (2 ECTS). You can follow our course and the results on the website, but also on the facebook and twitter page.
As part of Erasmus +, Partnership Strategies
Take part:
Trinity College Dublin (coordinator), Ireland
University of Slaford, United Kingdom
Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Vives University College, Belgium
Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, Finland
University of West Attica
The aim of the project is to strengthen the skills / competencies of the interdisciplinary team in mental health through the collaborative / participatory approach for the co-production of mental health promotion services. Academics, students, service users and health professionals play equal roles. The ultimate goal is to provide open access teaching material with the aim of providing knowledge and developing interdisciplinary skills in the field of mental health at the international level.
The project is in its second year of implementation. You can follow our course and the results on the website, but also on the facebook and twitter page.
EDDIS – A Digital Program for Sexual Education in Secondary Schools
As part of Erasmus +, Partnership Strategies
Higher education institutions and secondary schools participate from:
Finland – Turku. Coordinator: Turku University of Applied Sciences
Greece – University of Western Attica and 9th High School of Kallithea
Portugal – Lisbon
Lithuania – Klaipeda
The aim of the project is to assess the needs of adolescents in the context of sexual health and sexual education. The ultimate goal is to create material using new technologies that will meet the needs of adolescents. This material will be freely accessible for use both internationally and nationally. The involvement of adolescents themselves in all stages of the project (planning, implementation, evaluation) are the key to the effectiveness of the project. You can follow our course and results on the EDDIS website, but also on the facebook page